I want to believe
1/11 - 24/11 2024
I want to believe in the supernatural. For me there’s a sort of comfort to be found in this unknown, that there are things in our world and others that are just outside of our understanding or sight, remaining a mystery to us.
Is it scarier to think that we are not alone or believe that we are alone in the universe. The only planet with life amongst the vast expanse of space. Is it more disturbing that life can linger on once the body has died, persevering but chained to a limited existence, or that consciousness ends completely once it’s our time.
It seems I am not alone in this desire to believe, there is much internet content and possible evidence of the forces in this world that we cannot comprehend or capture. And capture we don’t, the most damning evidence of the supernatural comes to us through “potato quality” imagery. Pictures and videos that are up for interpretation. Some see absolutely that the image is not of our known world or reality, some say it has a total rational explanation. As Nukes’ top 5 always says: you decide.
I am showing you a mix of cold hard evidence, the severed heads of some of the earths most mysterious creatures. And some images that might leave a little doubt in one’s mind. In the middle lies a human, overwhelmed by what could be out there, exhausted by the magnitude of what is possibly the supernatural. Or is he just dead?